Thursday 19 March 2015

Welcome to Lily's Blog!


Hiya everyone, I wanted to do a quick little awkward post to get the introduction out of the way. I'm Lily, and this is my blog that I've actually owned a little while now but I got lazy and hated all of my posts so deleted them all. But Lily's back with a brand new theme! I really apologise to all of my readers that have had to see my blogs deleted a large number of times, being a perfectionist is really difficult sometimes.

However, I'm beginning all over again, and I'm really excited to because I think I've found my niche. My aim is to make my photography better because it got so sloppy before. I hope to be posting every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday minus like, tomorrow and I'm going to do blogs on fashion and lifestyle (if anyone is interested in the boring life of nearly 18 year old female).

I just want to say I'm really excited for this new journey to begin, and I hope you are all on board to come with me!
(Read my pages if you need any more information).